Kampania Perwoll #Rethinkfashion

Find out how we developed a loyalty and promotional platform along with an application for our Client, integrated with cash registers and designed for the FMCG sector, specifically for stores not affiliated with retail chains.

Dowiedz się, jak dla naszego Klienta stworzyliśmy platformę lojalnościowo-promocyjną i aplikację, zintegrowane z kasami fiskalnymi, przeznaczone do zastosowania w branży FMCG, dla sklepów niezrzeszonych w sieciach.



scope od work

Platforma administracyjna,

Aplikacja web,

Integracje z systemami kasowymI,

Aplikacja mobilna,

Creative Concept

Marketing Communication




Project Goal

Brand Promotion and Increasing Consumer Engagement with the Introduction of a New Product Variant to the Market

Promocja marki i zaangażowanie konsumentów w związku z wprowadzeniem na rynek nowego wariantu produktu
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Increasing consumer awareness regarding the benefits of using the product, referencing the slogan: "New? No, washed in Perwoll."

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Highlighting the idea of responsible fashion and slow fashion.

Agency Work:

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Creative campaign concept

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Development of communication for social media

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Development of advertising materials (POS, VIDEO)

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Organization of events in shopping centers across Poland

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Design and production of event booths

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Organization of “Style Workshops” with Maja Sablewska for consumers


Consumer Contest

Organization and publication of a social media photo session for contest winners.

Konkurs konsumencki
Platforma lojalnościowo-promocyjna hop&shop