
Learn how we created a loyalty and promotional platform along with an app for our client, integrated with cash register systems, specifically designed for the FMCG sector to support independent stores outside large retail networks.

Learn how we created a loyalty and promotional platform along with an app for our client, integrated with cash register systems, specifically designed for the FMCG sector to support independent stores outside large retail networks.


Hop & Shop

Scope of Work:

Platforma administracyjna,

Aplikacja web,

Integracje z systemami kasowymI,

Aplikacja mobilna,

Administration Platform

Web Application

Integration with POS Systems

Mobile Application

Project Goal:

Enhancing the competitiveness of local retail stores against large retail chains

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Inform consumers about promotions directly created by FMCG producers, available in local, independent stores across Poland.

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Enable the creation of a loyalty program for consumers for purchasing products from specific FMCG brands.

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Provide consumers with the ability to create shopping lists in local retail stores with a “click & collect” or delivery option.

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Increase the competitiveness of local retail stores against retail chains in the digital era by offering a mobile app for customers and direct contact options with consumers.


A loyalty and promotion platform with a management dashboard, implemented across more than 10,000 independent local stores.

A loyalty and promotion platform with a management dashboard, implemented across more than 10,000 independent local stores.
Platforma lojalnościowo-promocyjna hop&shop

Platform Features:

Loyalty Program Creation

For consumers of local retail stores by the largest FMCG brands.

FMCG producers' promotion creator

Remotely played and automatically calculated on online cash registers.

Collaboration with Ruch kiosks

As part of promotions available in kiosks across Poland.

Cross-promotion creator

Between local retail stores and the gastronomy sector.

Marketing Automation Scenarios

Set up through “clicking” (without programming) for consumers, executed in real time using geofencing.

Cross-Promotion Implementation with External Partners

Using promotional codes.

Dynamic Content Changes in Mobile Applications

Through a promotion grouping creator that allows naming groups based on promotional actions and automatically arranging them (groups/filters) in a mobile application for the consumer.

Linking with a Database of Products Purchased by Consumers

In retail stores with full product information contained in the EAN code.

Managing Products in Shopping Lists and Promotions

Based on consumer age (e.g., alcohol categories displayed only to adults).

Automation of Promotion and Product Flow

Compliant with legal requirements.

Advanced Consumer Segmentation

Based on all criteria analyzed by the system regarding consumers and their purchasing behavior.

Comprehensive Analytics of Consumer Purchase Behavior

(What, when, and where they buy) thanks to full control over consumer receipts.

The platform is utilized by 12 FMCG corporations.

Completed Integrations

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Microsoft Azure Platform.

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Online fiscal cash registers from Novitus and Elzab.

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M/platform, integrating tools and services that support retail stores, including the Promo+ solution, which provides access to promotions directly from FMCG producers, maintaining the retailer’s profit margins through reimbursements obtained from producers.

Completed Integrations

Comprehensive Features

Solution for Retailers:

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Manage services offered by the store, such as available payment methods and order fulfillment options.

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Option to sign up for new actions/services

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Consumer order management with automated notifications on order status updates.

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Communication with consumers via chat, SMS, and push notifications.

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Management of currently available promotions from FMCG producers, automatically applied at online checkouts.

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Processing consumer orders with options for contact by local store employees.

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Targeted SMS and push notifications to consumers.

Sample Outcomes of Executed CampaignsSample Outcomes of Executed Campaigns


Sample Outcomes of Executed Campaigns



increase in the average number of products per receipt.


increase in sales.


of customers purchased a product for the first time during the campaign and continue to buy it.

Sample Outcomes of Executed CampaignsSample Outcomes of Executed Campaigns

Unique Loyalty/Payment Concept

Solution for Consumers:Solution for Consumers:

Unikalny koncept lojalności/płatności

Solution for Consumers:

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E-payments and e-receipts.

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A virtual loyalty card allowing the user to automatically execute marketing automation scenarios during transactions, set by FMCG producers or retailers.

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Display of current promotions from FMCG producers, automatically applied at online cash registers.

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Real-time promotion execution such as "buy and get" or "buy and redeem later."

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Creation of shopping lists at local retail stores with options for "self-pickup" or "delivery," along with automatic notifications about the order status.

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Search for the nearest stores with a map and filtering options (available promotions, addresses, opening hours, payment methods, order fulfillment options).

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Two-way communication between the consumer and store (chat).